
Danaway Ivan is a two year old faded black ram bred by Rick Cross in Cumbria. A grandson of Mr Grey from white parents, his sire is Danaway Magnus and his dam is Danaway Alva. 

His attractive colouring is based on the black breed colour plus the faded gene, giving a faded black/grey/beige tinted fleece which changes tone according to length. His horns are well placed, symmetrical, and tonally darker than they often appear in photographs.

He has a powerful stocky set with very straight front legs, and sports an impressive solid head and well-placed horns. His face is characterised by pale grey 'sugar lips', a feature driven by colour genetics, not age-related. He possesses a squeaky bleat, full of impish charm with a fair and level gaze.

Ivan never has a cross word to say, although he will stand back and charge other rams if he senses anyone is getting out of their box. He is the super-cop of the boy field. On arrival he was shy and retiring, now he has learnt to bat his eyelashes for a treat.

His fleece is full of soft texture and crimp, dark at the base and light at the tips. He carries a dark mane collar which may grow much longer in future years.